Public Education, Reprise
So, how many high schools have abandoned teaching "shop" in favor of computer science? Probably too many... (Even vaunted Oak Ridge High School has canceled Auto Shop; that teacher is now teaching Engineering.) My previous post on "Great Public Schools" has elicited a great dialog between some 'blogfriends. In response to an offline question, Überblogger ZenPundit (who has also commented on the previous post) offered the following assessment of education in America. It is reprinted here with his permission:
Speaking analytically and from close to 20 years of firsthand professional experience, the public school system's fundamental problems are an anachronistic orientation (Agrarian calendar, industrial mass production, and Taylorist model, hierarchical control), a breakdown of the home to school social contract and iniquitous, unreliable & irrational funding mechanisms disconnected from the system's legally required objectives. There are other problems, naturally, but those are the major systemic stumbling blocks to wholesale improvement.That being said, it is not obvious to me that the primary alternatives to public education are any better when measured with identical yardsticks (surprisingly, often they are worse). Those that are (usually idiosyncratic programs of high quality) suffer from a lack of scalability. You just can't set up a top-notch Montessori program for 75 million kids - in fact, it's tough to do so for 75. Anything that is scalable - like curricular reforms and high standards featured by many charter schools - can be done more efficiently in public education for reasons of economies of scale. The only reason it isn't done is lack of political will and budget.
Homeschooling works best when the parents are exceedingly motivated and well educated, and their children are young and intellectually curious. Many home schoolers abandon the effort when their kids hit junior high and high school and the subject matter becomes more specialized - these kids either come to me performing well-above grade level (about 25-30%) or below grade level due to significant gaps in content knowledge because Mom really didn't understand fractions or the Civil War or whatever and skipped teaching it.
Catholic schools vary in quality these days just like public schools because the number of members of religious orders teaching in them (highly educated folks working cheap) has declined severely. In Illinois for example, St. Ignatius College Prep is a top high school but the average Catholic high School here is staffed by secular teachers who weren't good enough to find jobs in the public school system. What Catholic schools offer as a system that public schools do not is a culture, discipline and a sense of identity that some people find valuable (and a leg up in applying to Notre Dame, DePaul, Gonzaga etc.).
Other private schools, military academies etc. tend to be highly specialized in terms of mission.
Essentially, instead of judging which system is best, I'd look at what specific schools are available in your area and select the one that is relatively better than the others. If they are about even, save yourself a bundle of cash and use the public school system - unless safety/discipline is a concern.
Has the pendulum swung too far toward the "knowledge worker", and away from the skill crafts that build the infrastructure of our society? And what can we do to reclaim the "social contract" between parents and educators? I fear that my grandchildren will be left with a non-competitive economy competing against a hungry, agile, cheap global workforce.
The New Atlantis ran an excellent article on this subject recently: Shop Class as Soulcraft.
Hi Shane!
Good news or bad news first today?
Let's have the good news.
Good news - it won't be your grandkids or your kids competing against the hungry global workforce.
Bad news - it's you.
Globalization means that capital moves across borders to the areas with the highest growth rates and the lowest risks. Nothing can really stop that.
America has plenty of capital, but it's moving very, very fast abroad.
The only edge that America really has is cultural. And that's no small thing. The Melting Pot has prepared Americans for doing business on the world stage in a way that other cultures can only lust after, and for all the nonsense about Americans being insular about other cultures, in terms of getting along with people who are genuinely different, American are better than most.
Global rich living in incredibly expensive cities and rural areas.
Global poor in slums, decaying rural areas, rust belts.
Detroit or Dhakka, it's the same basic economic forces. America's rural areas are dying, leaving nothing but giant robot farms and empty shells of towns.
It looks different in the developing world because they still farm by hand, but the delta between the growth rate in the rural areas (0%) and the urban areas (30%) is so large... it's changing the landscape in a generation.
To survive globalization, and the era of rapid, discontinuous technological acceleration we are now in, requires mastery of change. Education based around uncertainty and chaos would be my recommendation.
Alas, the school of hard knocks in the developing world may be the superlative teacher of that lesson.
The institutions which were so good at imposing order and fixing the syllabus in the past are unable to adapt to the present, never mind the future.
I think just about the only saving grace is that, for now anyway, most of the Internet is in English.
Thx Adam - A poignant article. I have a friend (a Lt Col in the U.S. Air Force) who took a welding class last year. We certainly need more people -- esp. more white collar workers -- to follow Dr. Crawford's advice and spend their summers "learning a trade".
Vinay - You're probably right about the "bad news"; good thing the U.S. middle class has amassed enough wealth to coast a few more decades on its largess....
In terms of the services industry (which your vocational training leans much more toward than the industrial) this is good news as it means higher demand for various services and so relates to higher wages.
Should primary education fail us the simple demand for "blue collar" services will cause a growth in secondary technical schools that will provide what the primary institution of education has failed to.
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